Remember we had a very long list of things that we wanted to do this past weekend. In reality there was not way to get to it all.
But the most important things were covered.
--strawberries were picked with two extra friends in tow...that's five little boys in all. And only one (one of mine) had to go sit in the car for jumping over the rows.
--the farm was visited, first csa of the season was picked up! Turnip chips were a complete success. We used the same idea as the terra chip recipe and they were devoured in a matter of a few minutes.
--warbirds were seen over head without even visiting the airport.
--soccer games were won...and lost.
--breakfast with a friend was oh, so worth it! Note to self, plan breakfast out with a friend more often. The boys were able to have their slow Saturday morning and I got out before anyone missed me.
--birthday party for a little friend...check!
This morning I'm trying to get a bunch of these pretty berries prepared and frozen. We did this last year and had enough berries to use in smoothies all winter. Yum!
We'll also try to make a batch of fruit leather as well. It continues to be a favorite of all the kiddos in the neighborhood.
How about you? How was your weekend?