After a few days of silence, I'm over at Steady Mom again today.
“Put the swing where the children want it, the grass will grow back.”
– Amish Proverb
A few weeks ago, the boys and I stopped by our local bookstore in search of some new reading material. As a true bargain hunter, we always visit the sale tables first.
As I looked down, halfway peeking out from a cookbook was a little book entitled, Amish Peace: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World.
On the cover, were four little boys in straw hats walking through a field of yellow wildflowers with a big blue sky above.
I immediately contrasted that image with our household. We do not watch regular TV, but my three boys can still recite entire Geiko commercials they’ve seen online. Not quite the wisdom I would like them to be committing to memory.
So, when I saw this little book, begging me to take it home, I thought, sign me up! I’ll take some peace and truth in the middle of a complicated world.