I love this book.
I've had it for quite some time now. But I just haven't had time to sit down and really go through it like I wanted.
Until this week.
And like I said. I love this book.
I originally found Jennifer's blog about a year ago I think.
Being a mama of three boys who will always choose playing soccer and legos over writing or reading, I am always on the search for opportunities to get them to do more of the things I know they need to do.
Enter The Write Start: A Guide to Nurturing Writing at Every Stage, from Scribbling to Forming Letters and Writing Stories, by Jennifer Hallissy.
Jennifer does a wonderful job of breaking up the process of learning to write into four age groups and then provides great ideas of how to encourage your child at each stage through games and fun activities.
I have two 8 year olds who would be in the "storyteller" stage...just learning to use writing to really communicate their ideas.
My kindergardener, 5 years old is still in the "speller" category.
Some of the ideas I loved most were...
- creating stationary for each child to use to write letters to their friends/family
- frame copies of their writing like I already do their drawings
- use our scrabble letters to spell our messages for them when they come down for breakfast
It is amazing how quickly the boys have picked up on the ideas I've told them about in the book.
The biggest hit...writing in code!
So look for it!
Or visit the blog.
And download the templates.
I hope you enjoy The Write Start as much as I have!