Last night I was sitting in the garden as the sun was going down. The upstairs window was open and I could hear the boys conversation while they were getting ready to take a shower. One of the olders was explaining to the younger about how amazing outer space is and how he'd like to go someday. But he's a bit afraid of heights. He thinks he'll go anyway because when you are on a space ship it feels more like you're in a house not high up in space.
As the smile spread across my face, I could feel the space between my shoulders soften.
I thought to myself "What a great life we have here." I was confident. Yes, the dishes are not done...still in the sink from dinner (and lunch). S is gone again. I have a birthday party (x 2) to plan and my feet are so dirty from working in the garden I might need a pressure washer to get them clean.
But life is good.
This life we have been given is such a gift.
And I am proud of my boys, my house, my husband.
I have been reading Steady Days by Jamie Martin. In her book Jamie talks about the moment you really begin to "own" your own motherhood. The moment you realize it is the amazing gift it is and walk confidently in that role.
I can say I am there. And happy to be here.
Last night's soccer practice was canceled, but we didn't know it until we were already in the car. So instead we went to the neighborhood park to run our own drills. You know, so we don't get too out of practice. We're getting ready for the 2010 World Cup, you know.
While I was sitting on the bench, watching the boys, who had abandoned heading drills for the tire swing, a 20's-ish guy with his shirt off came our way. He approached some high school kids sitting on the bench next to mine and proceeded to cuss them up one side and down the other. And of course he used all of the good cuss words...the "f word", the "b word that rhymes with snitch, and my favorite, the "four letter c word that only real morons use". Oh yes...all of the good ones...within earshot of the boys.
I told my three it was time to go and I put them in the car.
But before we left I marched myself across the street to where this guy was waiting by his car. (Right here is where I begin to ask myself "What the heck are you doing? S would kill you for approaching this guy. He could be some psycho with a gun...or numchucks."
I proceeded to tell him how disappointed I was that my boys and I had to leave the park because of his poor taste and rude behavior. That I hoped he was more intelligent than he just came across because only idiots use language like that in front of children and young women. (And then I said a prayer that he would not punch me.)
We exchanged a few more words, but in the end he apologized and said that he should not have used those words in front of the boys or the young ladies on the bench next to me.
And then, I read
Rachel's post. She said it perfectly.
Today I transplanted three more tomato plants. Helped one kid design a stellar prop for is oral presentation tomorrow. I folded 3 loads of laundry...AND put them away. I "Three Little Birds" exactly 9 times while the little one and I watched chickadees at the bird feeder. And I safely diffused three arguments about who has the better gun...Captain Rex or Commander Green.
Don't mess with me or my kids at the park. I am a strong woman. And I am a mother damnit!
Rachel's right. Sometimes you have to own your own bad assness.
My life is such a gift.
Want to play along? How are you owning your bad assness?