The season is you feel it?
We've got three and a half weeks left of school for the older boys here and we still have homework, bedtimes. But I remembered late last night that today is the last day of preschool for the little guys and I hadn't done anything for Wyatt's teachers. Easy Peasy tote bags to the rescue! I originally found Skip To My Lou's instructions for a Simple Reversible Tote bag a while back, but it has become my go-to pattern for quick gifts needed on the fly.
One child out of school and two other still in is not the only indication of riding the fence on which season we are really living in these days.
We picked the last of the peas. And now the edamame and pole beans are beginning to climb where the peas were. Tomatoes are starting to take off. So are the cucumbers, melons and squash we planted several weeks back. The potatoes are blooming now, so it won't be long before we can dig those up.
We're spending every free moment we have at the beach. It is such a perfect time to enjoy the surf before the summer tourists get here in full force. And before the "skitos" get bad.
We've been eating better too. Fresh and local is so much easier during this time of year. Im addicted to grilled chicken and avocado taquitos with fresh berries. I've had them for lunch and dinner for the past two days. I picked up the vintage melamine a few weeks back. Now that the patio is finished we were in need of some cute dishes that would not break if dropped on the stone.
Are you feeling it too? The season shift I mean?
What does the shift look like where you are?