Dear Mom,
Thank you for washing my cheerleading uniform at midnight the
night before the big game.
Thank you for having the best hugs in the world that always seem to make everything OK.
Thank you for helping me find the most perfect pair of jeans with
rainbows on the pockets…and encouraging Dad to get them for me even though they
were way too much money at the time.
Thank you for making me take my dishes to the sink. And help with the laundry. And make my own lunch.
Thank you for making me wait while you talked to Dad before
letting me go to Kristen DeMonte’s house.
I’m glad you made me write notes to my grandparents and call them on the phone.
I’m glad you made me say “Yes Ma’am and No Sir”.
Im glad you took me to church.
Thank you for making it through a long, difficult labor just to see my little face.
Thank you for staying up all night to make my Christmas
cantata dress.
Thank you for making every one of my prom dresses, four
homecoming dresses…and my wedding dress.
Thank you for teaching me how to make 7-up pound cake,
homemade macaroni and cheese and meatloaf.
Thank you for naming me Eren…I still love my name and have
never wanted it to be something different…unlike my brother (who wanted to be
called Clint).
Thank you for setting my 11:00 p.m. curfew, even though I had to be home earlier than everyone else.
I will never forget you letting me take in lost little baby
birds, and turtles, and snakes…even though you hate snakes.
I will never forget our vacations to St. George Island and you showing us the sea turtle nest.
Because of you I will never forget the names of all of the Texas wildflowers or the words to “Skip to the Lou, My
Because of you I know the difference between Roseville and Zanesville pottery.
Thank you for buying a station wagon when I know you probably
wanted something a little sportier and more red.
Thank you for showing me women can be anything they want to
be…a career woman (like you) or a stay at home mom (like me). Or anything else.
Thank you for having an impact on your community through
Thank you for beginning to put money away for me to go to
college even before I was born.
I’m sorry I lied to you about going to Jennifer's graduation party. But thank you for cooking breakfast at 4 a.m. for all of my friends anyway.
I’m sorry you continued to work so long in a job that did
not appreciate you so that Ryan and I could both go to college.
I’m sorry for forgetting your anniversary this year.
And for not asking how you are before I go on and on about
my latest frustration with the PTA or about our orders not coming through.
Thank you for letting me date Peter Prodanov…and Shane Listch…and
Jeremy Green…even though you almost pulled your hair out.
Thank you for chaperoning the Jr. High dances and two
stepping with Dad. I was not as
embarrassed as I acted. Inside, I
was really proud of you two.
Thank you for being next to me through all three of my boys’
births…even though you said it was one of the toughest things you’ve ever done.
Thank you for marrying Dad…he’s the best.
Thank you for raising me to be independent…and then having the courage to let me go.
Thank you for letting me make my own decisions.
Thank you for always worrying about me…even after I left home.
And now
thanks for worrying about not only me, but my husband and our three boys.
Thank you for being proud of me now that Im all grown up (almost).
I am a good mom because you are a great mom.
And I love you!
Happy Mother’s Day Diana.

And Happy Mother's Day to all of the great mothers I am lucky enough to know and do this mothering thing along side you. I am inspired by you daily. Much love to all of you.
(inspired by Kelly Corrigan's video through )