Sorry friends. I didn't mean to be gone from this space so long. And didn't mean to worry any of you. (Thank you to those of you who checked in).
Has it been a week? Really?
So what have we been up to?
Swimming, swimming, and more swimming.
I have been a bit reflective today. You know how you put your babies to bed and then when they wake up they seem to have grown almost overnight? Please tell me it happens to you too.
Well, Im feeling it.
My boys are big. Bigger than I would like them to be.
The oldest boys are 7 now and have gotten to be quite competitive. Well, they have always been quite competitive. But the races to finish our cereal have been compounded and everything seems to be about who can do whatever it is we're doing the fastest. S and I have purposefully avoided making the boys play a sport before now. They tried soccer and it was OK. We asked them if they wanted to try t-ball this past Spring. Not much enthusiasm. But one evening a few weeks ago, S happened onto this video.
And that was all she wrote.
Almost immediately as soon as the last bell of the year was rung at school, they began bombarding us with questions about when they could take swimming lessons.
I have to say I had reservations.
I didn't want them in a program that grooms them for a team at the age of 8. And before we know it we'll be traveling all across the state to this meet or that. You know what I'm talking about. Im just not quite ready for that yet.
But we seemed to have found the perfect program.
And the perfect coach.
This guy is great. He is positive and encouraging. Calls them out when they are "chickening out" and is the perfect combination of tough and kind.
I watch my boys as they watch and listen to him. You can see his words reflected in their actions almost immediately. They believe him when he says "I know you can do it. Just set your mind to it. Now let's go!"
And they do.
And I watch.
And am amazed.
He motivates them like I can not. Even if I uttered the same words he does, they are different coming from him. He is their coach.
And now this guy thinks he's the next Michael Phelps and wants to know if they let you into the Olympics at 7. "Mom, do they have an olympic event called "the frog kick" he asks. "No, I don't think so, but it might fall under freestyle (wink)." He laughs. Because he is big now. And he gets my little jokes.
He's big now.
And he has found his sport.
He has a coach.
He has lofty dreams.
Big goals.
And I believe in him.