If you follow my photos on flickr, you have seen a weeks worth of foggy, cloudy, rainy photos.
Yesterday was the 6th straight day of rain.
It was starting to feel like we lived in Seattle. Or at least what I am guessing it would feel like to live in Seattle.
But this morning, the fog is burning off and the clouds are parting.
I have had this old glider since I was first out of college. I bought it from the First Monday Flea Market in Weatherford, TX (where my parents live) when I was about 22 and setting up my own little house up in Oklahoma. I still remember the old man's face when I asked him how much he wanted for it. "You want that old thing?" he questioned. I think I paid all of $15 for it at the time and quietly screamed inside all the way home at what a bargain I had gotten.
And then I had to tell my Dad that we needed to make room in the already packed u-haul trailer for the huge glider. Luckily my Dad is a reasonable man. He understands not to come between a woman (even if it is his daughter) and her flea market find.
Im thinking I need to sand it down again, prime it real good, and re-paint it this summer.
But for today, Im happy that it has a new cushion made out of a repurposed Target table cloth. Even though I love the pring, the table cloth, as purchased, just wasn't working in our dining room. My mom and I were just talking about how much we love mixing the old with the new.
I am loving those big blocky pears against the chippy-pealy paint.
So, maybe we'll get outside some today and dry off and enjoy the new and improved flea market glider.