Today is the day! If you are reading this post right now, and have not yet voted ... put the laptop down, grab your keys and get to your nearest polling place. Rignt now!
If you have been reading this blog for long, you will remember a post I did about being reconnected with a childhood friend named Ana back almost a year ago. She is a fellow blogger and a mama with much in common with myself and many of us. She loves different cultures, sharing the natural world with her kiddos and experiencing all that is out there with her family. She also happens to be military wife as well and living in Okinawa, Japan.
This past week I got an email from Ana's family saying that Ty, her husband had been injured in Afghanistan. Below is an excerpt from Ty's care page:
Without much detail, we know that Ty was with a group that was attacked. Being the brave leader he is, Ty was the first on the ground commanding his soldiers when an enemy bullet managed to hit his head (despite the fact he was wearing a helmet). Ty was in a very remote, mountainous area, but they were able to get him to a hospital quickly. We understand that Ty was cared for by some of the best neurosurgeons in the world which is answered prayer. He is still in a coma, but was stable enough to be transported to Germany, then to Bethesda, MD.
I do not pretend to know everything about their family. Our children do not go to school together. We do not see each other in church on Sunday mornings. In fact, I have not seen Ana in 25 years. But I know that she received one of the messages that military wives pray everyday they do not have to hear.
So today, in honor of Ty and the other thousands risking their lives for our freedom, please get out and vote. Do not make the sacrifices Ty and his family are making be for naught. There are people sacrificing their lives and their family's future for our rights to choose the next president of our country. And while you are driving to the polls, if you think about it, please say a prayer for Ty Edwards, for my friend Ana, and her two sweet children. You can leave a message of prayer and hope for Ana to read to Ty here. And you can read more about Ana's adventures living in Okinawa on her blog.