I know I promised you a post about the educational choices we have chosen and chosen not to make, but the words are coming slowly. They're coming, just still sorting it all out in my mind. So until then, here are a few things that are making us smile around here.
- new knitted socks from my good friend Laura in the coolest colors - not only warming my feet, but my heart. I have never worn hand knitted socks, but I am feeling spoiled beyond belief. I MUST learn to knit.
- thinking about the wrap up of the Six One Way project and feeling very proud (and a bit surprised) of myself that I actually did something for an entire year. And looking forward to a new project with Stefani...more news on that soon.
- thoughts of going home to Texas for Thanksgiving
- loving this photo by mainemama, the colors just make me smile
- so proud of our democratic process and encouraged by a new day of hope
- this link from my Star Wars crazed little ones..they love it
- Amanda's new mama to mama site has my heart swelling a bit...well more than a bit. What a great way to use your crafty skills to give back in a meaningful way.
I know, I know...I didnt get all 10 things in there, but I have had this post in "draft" status since Tuesday, so I figured I'd better go ahead and post it. But that tells you a bit about the past few weeks around here...busy, busy, busy. Crazy busy. Have a great weekend all!
And yes, I see the goofy way the links are showing up in certain browsers...but I dont have the energy to fix them at this point. Gotta go get some littles out of the bath before we have water coming through the ceiling and into the living room. Adios!