Our only TV in the entire house is in our playroom/classroom (the boys call it the "explore" room and I'm happy with that title). The TV is in a large closet with doors, so we can close it up and we don't even really know it is there. At least I don't know it is there...I think the boys always know it is there. S and the boys play helicopter flying games on it, which means I make a run for it to the sewing machine. Which is nice. But this also means that if S and I want to watch any regular news or in this case the Democrat and Republican National Convention speeches live, we have to camp out in the explore room.
To make myself feel less guilty about frying my brain watching hour after hour of boring speaker waiting for the headliners each night, I decided I should pick up a bit. That only lasted about 30 minutes. So, I decided to go through and organize the boys book shelf. That took about an hour.
Then on Tuesday I saw Molly's home school cabinet posted on her blog - everything so neat and tidy it makes me want to crawl in to one of those bottom cubbies and live there. And then saw Home school Ready-ish by Colorfool on flickr. Well and then before you know it, I had the whole room torn apart, moving big pieces of furniture from one wall to another. Please tell me you all do this too? You know how it goes ... you move one chair two inches to the left and by the end of the night (after a run to the hardware store just before closing) you've painted the entire room in a color called fennel and ordered a new coffee table. OK, good. I knew it wasn't just me.
I even got the old wrapping paper fixture my mom gave me last summer all rigged for a roll of drawing paper. Progress I'm telling you!
So, after three full nights of hanging in the explore room listening to politicians go on about tax cuts, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and the war, wondering if I can really believe what they are telling me, the "explore room" is de-cluttered, re-arranged and ready for the new school year.
The first rains from Hannah arrived just as I met I and Z coming off of the school bus this afternoon. Ugh! So, it looks like it will be a Netflix marathon around here this weekend.
Maybe we'll make this caramel corn recipe..mmm...yummy!
We do not home school our boys, but combine public school with unschooling practices and have found this a perfect combination for our family. For more on how we educate our boys, you can check out this post from last year. Happy weekend everyone!