More Nicaragua stories are coming...I promise. I have three posts started, but none finished enough to actually post. The words just aren't flowing. Sofia (my MIL) just left early yesterday morning, followed by our moms group that gets together every other Tuesday and then wine night with Ambre and Maggie. Throw in a back surgery from my Dad, two sick kiddos, some heart things going on with my Papaw, and a few other distractions and there just hasn't been enough hours in the day to sit and write. Something I desperately want to do.
So, things have been a bit busy...just a bit. Two weeks later, I am just now getting my "being at home with the boys by myself again" groove back. So maybe the stories will flow a bit more fluidly.
But until then, we've been watching caterpillars in the garden. A perfectly wonderful thing to watch when you are trying to sort ideas and emotions out. Caterpillars grow quickly and you notice their size increase from day to day which makes for very exciting mornings as we go out and check them everyday. Their munching and crunching is repetitious and calming, row after row. Sacrificing our parsley all in the name of science and beauty.
A perfectly reasonable thing to do when you are trying to sort things out in my opinion.