These days I am starting to feel a bit like Noah's wife. That poor, poor woman. How on earth did she manage to keep her sons occupied and not at each other's throats for forty days and forty nights while it rained? And without coloring books or Curious George.
Our backyard was starting to resemble the swamps in Florida despite the french drains that were installed a few years ago. Needless to say, after six days straight of rain, it was getting a bit scary back there. The boys were starting to make up stories about an alligator names Gus who lived back there and was just waiting for little boys to stray too far off the patio and CHOMP! They began taking bets on how big the alligator would be when it finally swam by our back kitchen window. Ninety one-hundred feet was Ian's guess.
But on Thursday the clouds parted and the rain finally stopped. So on Friday evening I had a lot of mowing to do. Mowing the front and back yard, edging (yes, I have learned to do that too!) and lots and lots of weed pulling. However all of the yard work has left us with itchy eyes and the sniffly noses - yep, allergies! Poor Wyatt seems to be getting the brunt of it. We're all doped up on benedryl now. So hopefully we'll be back to our regular blogging schedule (like there really is such a thing!) soon.
Until then, please have your inflatable boats and swamp buggies at the ready, we might need a rescue. It just started raining again.
Oh, and just one last thought. I think I know why Noah's wife is not named in the Bible. If she was like me, she got tired of hearing "Mama, mama, mama he's not sharing" and "Mama, somebody spilled applesauce down the stairs" and "Mama, where are the sharp knives?". I told the boys yesterday that I changed my name and I wasn't going to tell them what I had changed it to. I'm guessing Noah's wife did the same.