What the h-e-double-hockey sticks happened to Autumn? You know the season where the nights get cooler, you bring out the quilts to lay over your little ones while they sleep and warm apple cider becomes an afternoon treat? Yes, that season. Has anyone seen it, because I think we should send out a search party. An APB at the least. Autumn must be lost. Because it is not to be found here on the East coast...anywhere. Believe me, we have been looking.
Despite the heat, and some congested sinus passages, progress is being made around here.
The wardrobe makeover continues. Two of my most favorite, but getting a little shabby, plane jane GAP t-shirts have been made new with the help of a good spot cleaning and some iron-ons found at Joann's last time I was there. They were very easy to do, just like iron-ons should be. The instructions recommend ironing for 30-40 seconds, but I found it better to iron for more like a full minute. The love design is my favorite, but I haven't even had a chance to wear it yet because of the blasted 80 degree+ temperatures.
The dining room has new curtains, from the thrifted sheet in this post. I was not sure about the red and yellow print against the pale green wall color. But after looking at it all weekend and some encouragement via flickr, I cut the sheet in half, sewed a casing at the top and presto! New curtains. Wyatt seems to like them. A lot. He has made the window sill behind one of the curtains his new spot for watching the goings on in the cul-de-sac.
Look at that sweet face. So sweet, I couldn't get on to him for playing in the curtains. So sweet, I actually joined in.
That's it for now...we're going to the beach tonight. Luckily it is usually 5 degrees cooler or so there. Stay cool everyone!